  • Beautiful flowers and gifts for all occasions, delivered across Hong Kong!

Lily Bouquet

Joyful Lily Bouquet, spiked with little champagne roses and surrounded in cute wrapping. Make a nice surprise present for your relatives, loved once and for that special someone. To ensure maximum freshness for several days, some lilies may arrived as closed buds that develop to full bloom within 48 hours. 


30cm (H) x 25cm (L)


Pink Lily (4 stalks), Champagne Rose (5 stalks)


Romantic Gestures, Thank You Token, Appreciation Gestures, Proving True Passion


Free message card

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  • Chocolates
  • Balloons
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  • Cookies
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Customer Reviews

Based on 27 reviews
My lovey Eva
Misleading advertisement

If I can, I don’t even want to put one star of the review. The photos are showing a big bunch of flowers, however when I received it that is so disappointed. Dry, old and less flowers are receiving, be aware of this company.

Arun Marballi
Quality of products

In addition to product quality we were impressed by customer service and follow up including an international call to verify delivery address.

Sming Chung
Customer service

Beautiful flowers, wonderful service

Bear Au
Quality of products

Very good customer service, thank you.

Daniel Tse
Usability of website

The ease of use of the website and pricing is reasonable, the ability to write notes and with an audio recording was sweet (not sure, but this time I don't see the audio recording option, I did it in my first order). Improvements, the delivery time was suppose to be between 9 am to 1 pm, but it got there after 2 pm, not a big deal this time, but if the person were to leave after 1 pm, that would create a HUGE disappointment for me the sender, but this time was ok as the person receiving it worked the entired day so she was able to receive it. So, keeping the said delivery time is important. Hope this helps.