Just like the sun, brighten someone's day with our Bloom In Blue bouquet. Not only does it expresses your good intentions but the rosebuds convey your love for them too.
From 超級敬(勁)愛您的
Easy to order with a wide range to choose from. I have use Flowerchimp in Spore and do not have to pay for delivery. Hence very surprised that there is delivery fees in HK. Your pricing is more expensive than Spore overall.
The flowers arrived right after lunch. so efficient!Flowers were fresh and my friend likes it a lot. Thank you.
Took note of my request to contact the recipient an hour before delivering the flowers. So glad to know that the wishes of the customer is listened and adhered. Well done.
The bouquet arrived on time and the sunflowers looked fresh and great. Happy with the price point, looked great in photos.
Just to note, however, that you see that there are a bunch of white roses to complement the sunflowers, but in the actual bouquet I got, there were only around 4 roses. Also the wrapping paper is a bit basic as it is just normal colored paper where the texture feels like office paper rather than wrapping paper. Good for a more casual occasion.
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